Commodity Statistics and Fundamental Data

cmdtyStats℠ is the source for economic data and commodity statistics – all made available in one easy to use API – and built into the cmdtyView® terminal.
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Energy Data
Petroleum and Natural Gas production, storage, and stocks available with extensive history and regional precision.
Agriculture Data
Simple access to food and agriculture data for major countries and territories – with data going back decades.
Metals Data
Key fundamental statistics on the Metals industry including production, consumption, and trade.
Economic Statistics
Statistics cover trade flows, production, and consumption – over many different commodity products.
Our Sources
Agency | Frequency | Start Date | Description |
Baker Hughes | Weekly, Monthly | Jan 01,1985 | The Baker Hughes provides weekly and monthly census of the number of drilling rigs actively exploring for or developing oil or natural gas in the United States, Canada and outside North America. |
Barchart | Daily | Jul 01, 1959 | Daily values of global futures volume and open interest in both nominal and notional terms. Notional values of futures volume and open interest allow for comparisons across exchange venues and investment vehicle. Easily compare the value traded between OTC products, ETFs, and futures. |
Bureau of Economic Analysis | Monthly, Quarterly, Annual | Dec 31, 1929 | The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis provides accurate and objective data about the US economy including US GDP, consumer spending, personal income and saving numbers etc. |
Bureau of Labor Statistics | Monthly | Jan 31, 1939 | The Bureau of Labor Statistics measures labor market activity, working conditions, price changes, and productivity in the U.S. economy to support public and private decision making. |
CFTC | Weekly | Jun 13, 2006 | The Commitment of Traders (COT) report, produced by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, is a weekly publication that shows the aggregate holdings of different participants in the U.S. futures market. Data is available from the disaggregated report. |
Energy Information Administration | Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annual | Dec 31, 1870 | The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment. |
Eurostat | Annual | Dec 31, 1997 | The Eurostat produces European statisitics in partnership with National Statistical Institutes and other national authorities in the EU Member States providing high quality statistics and data on Europe. |
MPOB | Daily | Jan 02, 2008 | The Malaysian Palm Oil Board releases daily wholesale prices for Crude Palm Oil to help palm oil industry to plan their trading and business decisions faster and more accurately. |
Statistics Canada | Monthly, Quarterly, Annual | Jan 01, 1906 | Statistics Canada produces important statistics to better understand the Canada's population, resources, economy and agriculture. |
United States Census Bureau | Monthly | Dec 31, 1997 | The United States Census Bureau (USCB) is the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. Their Economic Indicators data set provides information on advance economic indicators, construction spending, manufacturing and trade inventories and sales, new residential construction and sales. |
US Army Corps of Engineers | Weekly | Jan 04, 2003 | The USACE provides weekly information on the amount (in tons), location, and commodity of barged grain, along with the number, location, direction, and type of barges transiting the last lock on the Mississippi River and its tributaries. |
USDA | Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual | Dec 01, 1866 | The USDA provides data on production, consumption, stocks and price received for variety of agricultural commodities produced in the US. |
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics | Annual | Dec 31, 1974 | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) investigates information on agricultural establishments and agricultural activities developed inside Brazil, aiming at producing either for living or sales. |
National Supply Company | Annual | Dec 31, 1977 | In order to provide data and strategic information and to comply with the Agricultural Policy, CONAB is responsible for surveying and evaluating the Brazilian crops of grains, fibers, coffee and sugar cane. |
Ministry of Agriculture | Annual | Dec 31, 1969 | MAGYP plans and executes public policies related to the agricultural, livestock, dairy and fishing sectors, seeking the proper balance between productivity, sustainability and territorial distribution. It also provides the series of agricultural statistics, by crop, season, province and party / department of the Argentine Republic. |
Central Market of Buenos Aires | Daily, Monthly | Jan 31, 2016 | The Central Market of Buenos Aires is the fruit and vegetable trading center that supplies the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires. List of prices of fruits and vegetables that arise from the survey carried out in the Central Market of Buenos Aires by the Department of Statistics and Prices, and by the Social Commitment of Supply. |
University of São Paulo | Daily, Weekly | Jan 01, 2000 | The Hortifruti team dedicated to the economic aspects of the fruit and vegetable sectors. This team conducts market studies that identify problems and opportunities, proposes solutions that benefit not only the production of fruits and vegetables, but these chains as a whole, including the consumer. |
Centrais de Abastecimento | Daily | Dec 02, 2019 | The CEASA Wholesale Prices report cover wholesale prices for food commodities reported by major wholesale markets across Brazil. The CEASA data covers prices for fruits, vegetables, legumes, seafood, meat and poultry. |
Ministry of Production, Labor and Tourism | Daily, Weekly | Jul 07, 2020 | The Ministry of Production and Labor of Argentina was a portfolio of the National Public Administration with competences in productive development, industry, commerce, agriculture, livestock, fishing, labor and employment. |
Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics | Daily, Monthly | Jul 01, 1994 | The Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (CEPEA) that conducts research on the dynamics of functioning of agribusiness providing wholesale price indicators for major commodities to help businesses analyze market prices. CEPEA data covers wholesale prices for ethanol, grains, dairy, meat, poultry and cattle. |
Buenos Aires Grain Exchange | Annual | Dec 31, 2020 | The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, the oldest business entity in the country, was born a year after the National Constitution was enacted, on May 15, 1854. |
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